How To Config Ezoic Site Speed Accelerator Correctly To Improve Google Page Speed Score

Ezoic site speed accelerator app provides several functions to improve your website page load speed by reducing page load time. In short term, this app can reduce your website’s bounce rate and grow up pages/session because of faster page load speed, so in long term, it can give your website more traffic. This article will tell you how to use it correctly.

1. How To Enable Ezoic Site Speed Accelerator On Your Web Site.

  1. To use ezoic site speed accelerator, you had better disable your WordPress website cache plugin ( for example WP super cache, etc ) at first.
  2. First, register your domain with ezoic.
  3. Login to ezoic management dashboard.
  4. Select a domain at the left top corner which you want to enable site speed accelerator ( each domain can have it’s own and different site speed accelerator version ).
  5. Click the Speed icon in the top area.
  6. In the SPEED SETTINGS section, turn on the Desktop, Mobile, Tablet toggle button.
  7. Click CREATE VERSION button to create a version.
  8. Select Recommended in create version popup dialog, all the features under this option are free. The free features include Remove Unused CSS, Remove Unused CSS by Page, Optimize Fonts, Efficient Static Cache Policy, Pre-Connect Origins, Minify HTML, Lazy Load Iframes.
  9. If you select SiteSpeed+ in create version popup dialog, you need a subscription that is not free. The SiteSpeed+ option provides more functions to improve your website page load speed.
  10. Click the NEXT button then click the SAVE button to save the version.
  11. Click the PREVIEW button in the version list to open a new tab to verify that your website runs correctly.
  12. Click ACTIVATE button to activate this version on your website.
  13. If you want to use SiteSpeed+ features, you can click the MANAGE SUBSCRIPTION link at the bottom left of the version list and pay for one subscription.

2. How To Verify Site Speed Accelerator Has Taken Effect On Your Website.

  1. Go to your domain’s google analytics dashboard and compare two days, two weeks, or two months web site traffic.
  2. After turn on ezoic site speed accelerator, you should find the Pages / Session value grow up and Bounce Rate value drop-down in the comparison.
  3. But you may find the website traffic dropdown at the beginning, please be patients wait for one month to see the result.
  4. After enabling ezoic site speed accelerator, when you log in to ezoic management dashboard, you will find there add two-speed score trends diagrams, one for the mobile devices the other for the desktop.
  5. You can also go to google page speed insights to see your web page speed scores. Please refer to How To Decrease Page Load Time In WordPress to learn how to use google page speed insights.


  1. FAQs & Info For The Site Speed Accelerator
  2. Technology And Infrastructure Compatible With Ezoic – hosts, software, cdns, plugins

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