In the previous article, we have learned How To Manage Models In Django Admin Site. In this article, we will tell you how to process CRUD(Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete) operations on those models to manipulate data in the backend database table. All the data manipulation is processed through model functions, you do not need to run any SQL command at all.
This example is based on the How To Manage Models In Django Admin Site article. There are two model Department and Employee in the example, and the related SQLite database table name is user_register_login_department and user_register_login_employee.
1. Django CRUD In Command Shell.
- Django provides a command shell to execute CRUD operations. So first you should run into the shell environment follow the below steps.
- Open a terminal and cd into the Django project root folder.
- Execute
$ python3 shell
command to go into the shell interface.192:DjangoHelloWorld zhaosong$ python3 shell Python 3.6.5 |Anaconda, Inc.| (default, Apr 26 2018, 08:42:37) Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information IPython 6.4.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help. Caching the list of root modules, please wait! (This will only be done once - type '%rehashx' to reset cache!)
- Then you can execute the python model CRUD operation code.
2. Insert Model Data Into The Database.
- Insert Department model data.
In [2]: from user_register_login.models import Department In [7]: dept = Department(dept_name='Quality Assurance', dept_desc='Website test and use case design.') In [8]:
- You can also use create a method to create a department model object and insert the data to the backend database table like below.
Department.objects.create(dept_name='Market', dept_desc='Website market plan definition.') <Department: Market,Website market plan definition.>
- Insert Employee model data. The Employee model has two foreign key fields which should be User and Department model instance. So if you run the below command to insert Employee data, you will get errors.
In [10]: from datetime import datetime In [11]: emp = Employee(user='tom',dept='Quality Assurance', emp_mobile='1381998982289',emp_salary=8000, emp_onboard_date=datetime(2018,9,9,12,0,0)) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-11-d493c8a6bf28> in <module>() ----> 1 emp = Employee(user='tom',dept='Quality Assurance', emp_mobile='1381998982289',emp_salary=8000, emp_onboard_date=datetime(2018,9,9,12,0,0)) ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/ in __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) 464 # checked) by the RelatedObjectDescriptor. 465 if rel_obj is not _DEFERRED: --> 466 _setattr(self,, rel_obj) 467 else: 468 if val is not _DEFERRED: ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/fields/ in __set__(self, instance, value) 208 instance._meta.object_name, 209, --> 210 self.field.remote_field.model._meta.object_name, 211 ) 212 ) ValueError: Cannot assign "'tom'": "Employee.user" must be a "User" instance.
- Below is the correct python source code to insert employees with a foreign key model instance.
In [12]: from datetime import datetime In [13]: from django.contrib.auth.models import User In [14]: from user_register_login.models import Department, Employee # get User object that username is tom In [15]: user = User.objects.get(username='tom') # get department object that dept_name is Quality Assurance. In [17]: dept = Department.objects.get(dept_name='Quality Assurance') In [18]: emp = Employee(user=user, dept=dept, emp_mobile='1381998982289',emp_salary=8000, emp_onboard_date=datetime(2018,9,9,12,0,0)) In [19]:
3. Select Model Data From Database.
- Select all model data objects: model_name.objects.all().
In [20]: from user_register_login.models import Department, Employee In [21]: Department.objects.all() Out[21]: <QuerySet [<Department: Development,Develop website use Django>, <Department: Quality Assurance,Website test and use case design.>]> In [22]: Employee.objects.all() Out[22]: <QuerySet [<Employee: jerry,18000,1390128889898>, <Employee: kevin,1000,139012988987>, <Employee: tom,8000,1381998982289>]>
- Select single model data object: model_name.objects.get(field_name=field_value). If the data do not exist, you will get a DoesNotExist exception. If there are more than one model data that match the condition, then you will get a MultipleObjectsReturned exception.
In [23]: Department.objects.get(dept_name='Develop') --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DoesNotExist Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-23-be4c8470d9ee> in <module>() ----> 1 Department.objects.get(dept_name='Develop') ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/ in manager_method(self, *args, **kwargs) 80 def create_method(name, method): 81 def manager_method(self, *args, **kwargs): ---> 82 return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs) 83 manager_method.__name__ = method.__name__ 84 manager_method.__doc__ = method.__doc__ ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/ in get(self, *args, **kwargs) 397 raise self.model.DoesNotExist( 398 "%s matching query does not exist." % --> 399 self.model._meta.object_name 400 ) 401 raise self.model.MultipleObjectsReturned( DoesNotExist: Department matching query does not exist. In [24]: Department.objects.get(dept_name='Development') Out[24]: <Department: Development,Develop website use Django>
- Use filter function to select model data objects by condition : model_name.objects.filter(field_name__contains=part_field_value). The filter method is similar as like statement in SQL command. It will perform condition search, if no data match then return an empty list.
In [27]: Department.objects.filter(dept_name__contains='Development') Out[27]: <QuerySet [<Department: Development,Develop website use Django>]> In [28]: Department.objects.filter(dept_name__contains='Market') Out[28]: <QuerySet []> In [29]: Department.objects.filter(dept_name__contains='Quality') Out[29]: <QuerySet [<Department: Quality Assurance,Website test and use case design.>]>
- Use the filter function to select model data by multiple conditions:
Department.objects.filter(id=1, dept_desc__contains='dev2qa') <QuerySet [<Department: Development,Develop website use Django>]>
- You can also use multiple filter functions to build a filter chain to select data by multiple conditions:
Department.objects.filter(dept_desc__contains='dev2qa').filter(id=1) <QuerySet [<Department: Development,Develop website use Django>]>
- The exclude function can be used to exclude specified data records from the return model data result:
Department.objects.filter(dept_desc__contains='dev2qa').exclude(id=1) <QuerySet [<Department: Quality Assurance,Test web site use python and webdriver.>]>
- The order_by function can help you to sort the query result data with the specified model field in ascending or descending order:
# order by one model field in ascending order. Department.objects.order_by('id') <QuerySet [<Department: Development,Develop website use Django>, <Department: Quality Assurance,Test web site use python and webdriver.>, <Department: Market,Website market plan definition.>]> # sort query result in descending order. >>> Department.objects.order_by('-id') <QuerySet [<Department: Quality Assurance,Test web site use python and webdriver.>, <Department: Market,Website market plan definition.>, <Department: Development,Develop website use Django>]> # order by multiple model field. Department.objects.order_by('dept_name', 'id') <QuerySet [<Department: Development,Develop website use Django>, <Department: Market,Website market plan definition.>, <Department: Quality Assurance,Test web site use python and webdriver.>]> # order the filter result data by dept_name field Department.objects.filter(dept_desc__contains='dev2qa').order_by('dept_name') <QuerySet [<Department: Development,Develop website use Django>, <Department: Quality Assurance,Test web site use python and webdriver.>]>
- order_by function chain is also allowed to sort query result data by multiple model fields:
# another way to order the result by multiple model field. Department.objects.order_by('id').order_by('dept_name') <QuerySet [<Department: Development,Develop website use Django>, <Department: Market,Website market plan definition.>, <Department: Quality Assurance,Test web site use python and webdriver.>]>
4. Update Model Data To Database.
- Update single model data.
In [1]: from user_register_login.models import Department,Employee In [2]: dept = Department.objects.get(dept_name='Development') In [3]: dept.dept_desc = 'This department role is website develop' In [5]:
- Batch update.
In [6]: Employee.objects.select_for_update().filter(emp_mobile__contains=39).update(emp_salary=80000) Out[6]: 2
5. Delete Model Data From Database.
- Delete single model data.
In [11]: emp = Employee.objects.get(emp_salary=8000) In [12]: emp.delete() Out[12]: (1, {'user_register_login.Employee': 1})
- Batch delete.
In [15]: Employee.objects.select_for_update().filter(emp_salary__contains=8000).delete() Out[15]: (2, {'user_register_login.Employee': 2})