Python Tutorial

Python String Concatenation: Combining Text and Numbers

String concatenation is a fundamental operation in Python that allows you to combine strings (text) and numbers to create new strings. This process is essential when you want to generate dynamic messages, format data, or build complex output. In this article, we’ll explore Python’s string concatenation techniques, including how to concatenate strings and numbers, with […]

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Python Deep Copy and Shallow Copy: Understanding the Difference

Python, a versatile and widely-used programming language, offers several ways to work with objects and data structures. When dealing with complex data structures like lists, dictionaries, or custom objects, it’s crucial to understand the concepts of deep copy and shallow copy. These concepts are essential for maintaining data integrity and preventing unintended side effects when

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How To Use Python Set Collection With Examples

Python, a versatile and popular programming language, offers a variety of data structures to manage and manipulate data efficiently. One such data structure is the set. Sets are unordered collections of unique elements, making them valuable for various tasks like removing duplicates, testing membership, and performing set operations. In this article, we will explore the

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How To Use Python Dictionaries To Format Strings With Examples

String formatting is a crucial aspect of any programming language. Python, with its rich set of tools, provides several ways to format strings, and one of the most flexible methods involves using dictionaries. In this article, we will explore how to use Python dictionaries to format strings, along with examples to illustrate the concept.

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Understanding The Difference Between List And Tuple In Python With Examples

When working with Python, you’ll often encounter two fundamental data structures: lists and tuples. These data structures have similarities but also key differences that make them suitable for different use cases. In this article, we will explore the differences between Python tuples and lists with examples to help you choose the right one for your

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How to Understand and Utilize if __name__ == “__main__”: in Python

Python’s `__name__` attribute is a special built-in variable that plays a significant role in determining how a Python script behaves when it’s run. It is particularly useful for creating reusable modules and ensuring that certain code only runs when a script is executed as the main program, not when it’s imported as a module into

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