Android Dialog

Android Dialog

  1. Android Alert Dialog Example
    This article contains examples about how to use to create various style alert dialogs in android.
  2. Android Create User Input Popup Dialog By Custom AlertDialog Example
    Example about how to create a custom popup dialog which can let user input data by customize android AlertDialog.
  3. Android Custom Layout AlertDialog Example
    This article show you how to use SimpleAdapter to custom list item in alert dialog and how to use custom view in alert dialog also.
  4. Android Popup Window Animation Example
    This article tell you how to create and use PopupWindow in android. It also explains the difference between PopupWindow and AlertDialog.
  5. Android Progress Dialog Example
    This example show you how to use to build progress popup window.
  6. Android Snackbar Example
    This example show you how to use Snackbar to prompt and interact with income messages.