Python Identifier Naming Conventions: PEP 8 Guidelines For Readable Code

Python has specific naming conventions for identifiers (variables, functions, classes, modules, etc.) that help maintain code readability and consistency across projects. These conventions are outlined in PEP 8, the official style guide for Python code. Here are some key points from PEP 8 regarding identifier naming conventions.

1. Variable and Function Names.

Use lowercase letters for variable and function names. Separate words with underscores (`snake_case`). Examples: `my_variable`, `calculate_total`.

2. Class Names.

Use CamelCase (capitalize the first letter of each word) for class names. Examples: `MyClass`, `EmployeeRecord`.

3. Constants.

Use uppercase letters for constants. Separate words with underscores. Examples: `MAX_VALUE`, `PI`.

4. Module Names.

Use lowercase letters for module names. If the module name consists of multiple words, use underscores. Examples: `my_module`, `data_processing`.

5. Private Identifiers.

Prefix names intended for internal use with a single underscore. Example: `_internal_variable`.

6. Private Class Members.

Prefix non-public instance variables with a single underscore. Example: `_private_variable`.

7. Magic Methods.

Magic methods (special methods with double underscores at the beginning and end) should follow the same naming conventions as regular functions. Example: `__init__`, `__str__`.

8. Acronyms and Abbreviations.

Use consistent capitalization for acronyms and abbreviations (e.g., `HTTPServer`, not `HttpServer` or `httpserver`).

9. Function and Variable Names vs. Class Names.

Names of functions and variables should be lowercase with underscores. Names of classes should be CamelCase without underscores.

10. Be Descriptive.

Choose meaningful and descriptive names that indicate the purpose of the identifier.

It’s important to follow these naming conventions to write clean, consistent, and readable Python code. adhering to these guidelines not only makes your code more readable but also helps other developers understand and work with your code more easily.

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