How to View and Terminate Stubborn Background Processes in Windows using Command Line

Encountering unresponsive software can be frustrating, especially when you’re in the middle of an important task. Fear not! This guide will show you how to use the Windows interface and command-line tools to view, filter, and terminate problematic processes effectively.

1. Using Task Manager to Manage Processes.

1.1 Open Task Manager.

  1. Right-click the taskbar and select Task Manager.
  2. Alternatively, press `Ctrl + Shift + Esc` to launch it quickly.

1.2 View the Process List.

  1. Navigate to the Processes tab in Task Manager.
  2. The top section displays active applications, while the bottom lists background processes.
  3. For instance, Microsoft Edge might appear in the background even if you haven’t opened it.

1.3 Terminate a Process.

  1. Right-click the desired process and select End Task.
  2. This will immediately stop the application without requiring a system restart.

2. Using Command-Line Tools for Process Management.

For advanced users, the command prompt provides more flexibility and precision in managing processes.

  1. Open Command Prompt: Search for “CMD” in the taskbar and select Command Prompt.
  2. List All Processes: Type the following command and press Enter:

    This command displays a comprehensive list of running applications and background tasks.

  3. Filter Specific Processes: Use the following command to filter processes by name:
    tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq msedge.exe"

    Replace `msedge.exe` with the name of the process you want to target.

  4. Terminate a Specific Process: Enter this command to terminate a process:
    taskkill /IM msedge.exe /F

    `/IM` specifies the image name, and `/F` forces the termination.

3. How to Find Process Names.

You need the exact process name for command-line operations. Here are two ways to find it:

  1. Shortcut Properties: Right-click an application shortcut, select Properties, and find the name in the target field, such as `msedge.exe`.
  2. Task Manager Details: Switch to the Details tab in Task Manager to see a complete list of running processes, including their exact names.

4. Tips for Managing Processes.

  1. Be Cautious: Avoid terminating critical system processes like `explorer.exe` to prevent system instability.
  2. Regular Maintenance: Use Task Manager to monitor resource-hungry processes and evaluate their necessity.
  3. Learn Command Parameters: Run `tasklist /?` in the command prompt to explore available filters and options.

5. Demo Video.

You can watch the following demo video by select the subtitle to your preferred subtitle language.

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