How To Store Image In Database Using Python

To store an image in a database using Python, you will need to use the Python Imaging Library (PIL) to convert the image into a binary format. You can then use the Python DB-API to connect to the database and use the cursor object to execute an INSERT query to store the image data in the database.

1. How to use Python Imaging Library (PIL) to convert the image into a binary format.

  1. Install the Python Imaging Library pillow with the command pip install Pillow.
  2. To use the Python Imaging Library (PIL) to convert an image into a binary format, you will need to first open the image using the method.
  3. You can then use the PIL.Image.tobytes() method to convert the image into a binary format.
  4. If you need, you can also use the method to save the image in the desired format.
  5. The following is an example source code for using the Python Imaging Library (PIL) to convert an image into a binary format and then save it to a new image file.
    from PIL import Image
    # Open the image
    img ='image.jpg')
    # Convert the image to binary format
    img_binary = img.tobytes()
    # Save the image in the desired format'image-1.png')

2. How to store image binary data in MySQL database table.

  1. To store image binary data in a MySQL database table using Python, you will need to first install the MySQL Connector Python library with the command pip install mysql-connector-python.
  2. You can then use the MySQL Connector Python library to connect to the MySQL database and use the MySQL INSERT statement to insert the binary data into the table.
  3. Finally, you can use the MySQL SELECT statement to retrieve the binary data from the table.

2.1 How to connect to MySQL database server in Python.

  1. You can use the connect() function of the mysql.connector module to connect to the MySQL database.
  2. The connect() function takes in parameters such as host, database, user, and password.
  3. Once the connection is established, you can use the cursor() method of the connection object to execute SQL queries.
  4. Below is an example of code to connect to a MySQL database using the library mysql-connector-python.
    import mysql.connector
    mydb = mysql.connector.connect(
    mycursor = mydb.cursor()

2.2 How to use the MySQL INSERT statement to insert the binary data into the table.

  1. To insert binary data into a table using the MySQL INSERT statement, you need to use the BINARY keyword followed by the binary data.
  2. For example, the following statement inserts binary data into the table: INSERT INTO table_name (column_name) VALUES (BINARY ‘binary_data’);
  3. Below is an example of code to insert binary data into a MySQL table using Python.
    # import the mysql.connector library.
    import mysql.connector
    # connect to the mysql database.
    mydb = mysql.connector.connect(
    # get the mysql database cursor.
    mycursor = mydb.cursor()
    # construct the insert sql statement.
    sql = "INSERT INTO table_name (column_name) VALUES (BINARY %!s(MISSING))"
    # Open the image 
    img ='image.jpg') 
    # Convert the image to binary format 
    img_binary = img.tobytes()
    val = (img_binary)
    # execute the insert sql with the image binary data.
    mycursor.execute(sql, val)
    # commit the sql transaction.


  1. How To Use Python Pillow To Implement Image Zoom Operation, Batch Scale Image Size, And Create Image Thumbnail

  2. Python Connect To MySQL Database With MySQL Connector & PyMySQL Example

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