Android Menu

Android Menu

  1. Android Actionbar Example
    This example contains two android activity, they all have action bars and menus. They use action bar menu to interact with each other.
  2. Android ActionBar SearchView Autocomplete Example
    This example show you how to use SearchView to implement search box function in action bar. It also demonstrate how to use ShareActionProvider to popup share window when click an menu item.
  3. Android ActionBar Spinner (Dropdown List) Example
    This example tell you how to add a Spinner style (Dropdown) menu list in actionbar.
  4. Android ActionBar Tab Navigation Example
    This article contains example about how to make android actionbar tab navigation style.
  5. Android Custom ActionBar Style Example
    This example show you how to use style to custom actionbar background.
  6. Android Custom Overflow Menu Example
    Example about how to add group menu items in android overflow menu. How to response when each menu item in clicked.