Pygame Transform, Rotate, And Scale Image Example

This article will tell you how to transform, rotate, scale, and rotate-zoom an image in Pygame with examples.

1. How To Scale A Surface Object ( an image) In Pygame.

  1. The function pygame.transform.scale(surface, size, dest_surface=None) can scale a surface object ( for example an image ) to a provided size and return the new size surface object.
  2. Below is the pygame’s scale() function example source code.
    scaled_image = pygame.transform.scale(src_img_surface,(300,300))

2. How To Rotate A Surface Object ( an image ) In Pygame.

  1. The function pygame.transform.rotate(surface, angle) can rotate the surface object with the provided angle, it will return a new surface object that has a rotate angle.
  2. Below is the pygame’s rotate() function example source code.
    rotated_image = pygame.transform.rotate(src_img_surface, 36)

3. How To Rotate & Scale A Surface Object ( an image ) At The Same Time In Pygame.

  1. The function pygame.transform.rotozoom(surface, angle, scale) can implement both rotate and scale operation to the provided surface object ( an image object ), it will return the rotated & zoomed surface object.
  2. Below is the pygame’s rotozoom() function example source code.
    zommed_img = pygame.transform.rotozoom(src_img_surface, -72, 0.3)

4. How To Rotate, Scale Image In Pygame Example.

  1. This example shows how to scale, rotate, zoom & rotate the surface object ( an image object ) in pygame application.
  2. Below is the example source code, you can read the comments for a detailed explanation. The python source file name is
    Created on Feb 6, 2022
    @author: songzhao
    import pygame
    # define a global variable to store the pygame app main window surface.
    main_window_screen = None
    # this function will initialize the pygame main window.
    def initialize_pygame():
        # initialize pygame app.
        # set pygame window title.
        window_title = 'Pygame transform, scale, rotate image examples.'
        # declare that the main_window_screen is a global variable.
        global main_window_screen 
        # create the pygame main window surface object with provided size, the window is resizable.
        main_window_screen = pygame.display.set_mode((1000,800), pygame.RESIZABLE)
        # fill the pygame main window background color to green.
    # this function will load an image to the pygame app main window.    
    def load_image():
        image_file_path = '../../../../img/dog.png'
        # load an image object from the image file path.
        image_surface_object = pygame.image.load(image_file_path)
        # call the convert_alpha() function to make the image background alpha transparency.
        image_surface_object = image_surface_object.convert_alpha()
        # draw the image surface object to the main window screen.
        update_screen(main_window_screen, image_surface_object, 0, 0)
        return image_surface_object
    # this function will scale the image surface object.
    def scale_image(src_img_surface):
        # scale the source image surface object to a new size.
        scaled_image = pygame.transform.scale(src_img_surface,(300,300))
        # draw the scaled image surface object to the pygame app main window screen.    
        update_screen(main_window_screen, scaled_image, src_img_surface.get_width()+10, 0)
        return scaled_image
    # this function will rotate the image surface object.
    def rotate_image(src_img_surface):
        # rotate the source image surface object with a provided angle (36 in this example).
        rotated_image = pygame.transform.rotate(src_img_surface, 36)
        # calculate the rotated image x, y coordinates.
        x = main_window_screen.get_width() - src_img_surface.get_width() - 100
        y = src_img_surface.get_height() + 10
        # draw the rotated image to the pygame app main window screen.
        update_screen(main_window_screen, rotated_image, x, y)
        return rotated_image
    # this function can rotate and scale (zoom) the image at the same time.
    def zoom_image(src_img_surface):
        # rotate and zoom the image with the provided parameters at the same time.
        zommed_img = pygame.transform.rotozoom(src_img_surface, -72, 0.3)
        # calculate the new image surface object x, y coordinates.
        x = 100
        y = main_window_screen.get_height() - 200
        # draw the zoomed_img to the pygame app main window.
        update_screen(main_window_screen, zommed_img, x, y)
        return zommed_img
    # this function listen and handle the pygame app events.
    def main_loop():
        while True:
            for event in pygame.event.get():
                if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
    # this function will draw the target_surface_object to the source surface_object at the specified location.        
    def update_screen(surface_object, target_surface_object, top_left_corner_x, top_left_corner_y):
        surface_object.blit(target_surface_object,(top_left_corner_x, top_left_corner_y))
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        src_img = load_image()
        scaled_img = scale_image(src_img)
        rotated_img = rotate_image(scaled_img)
        zommed_img = zoom_image(rotated_img)
  3. When you run the above example source code, you can get the below image.
    scale rotate rotozoom image in pygame

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