This article will tell you how to embed video/audio files in the Html5 web page using javascript, it will also tell you how to control the video/audio including play, pause, load, stop, and show the playing progress status, .etc with examples.
1. How To Embed & Control Video/Audio File In Html5 Web Page.
1.1 Embed & Control Video Files In Html5 Web Page.
- Use the Html <video> tag to embed the video file in the web page like below. You can provide the attributes like id, controls .etc.
<video id="video1" style="display:block;margin-top: 10px;" controls></video>
- You can specify the video file name with the file path to the <video> tag’s src attribute to play the video.
<video id="video1" src="" style="display:block;margin-top: 10px;" controls></video>
- If your video has different format files, you can provide each format file in a child <source> tag of the <video> tag like below.
<video id="video1" style="display:block;margin-top: 10px;" controls> <source src="test-movie.mp4" type="video/mp4"> <source src="test-movie.ogg" type="video/ogg"> </video>
- To play the video file, you can first get the video element in javascript by it’s id, then call the video object’s play() method to play it.
- Call the video object’s pause() method to pause it, and call the video object’s load() method to load the video file to the beginning.
- If you want to listen to and process the video file’s playing process events ( such as ended, error, timeupdate ), you can call the video element’s method addEventListener(event_name, process_function(){……}) to listen and process the events.
videoElement.addEventListener("ended", function(){ message = "Play video finish."; alert(message); outputElement.value = message; });
- You can see The Video Embed Element Page for a detailed introduction of the video tag’s attributes, events, etc.
1.2 Embed & Control Audio Files In Html5 Web Page.
- Use the Html <audio> tag to embed the audio file in the web page like below. You can provide the attributes like id, controls .etc also.
<audio id="audio1" style="display:block;margin-top: 10px;" controls></audio>
- The other attributes & events are very similar to the Html <video> tag, you can go to The Embed Audio element page to see the detailed introduction.
2. Embed Video Audio File In Html5 Web Page Examples.
- In this example, you can input the video or audio file URL in the related input text box.
- Then you can click the Play, Pause, Stop button to process the video or audio file.
- When the video or audio file is playing, you can see the video or audio file playing process information in the status text area.
- When you click the Stop button, it will hide the Html video or audio element.
- This example contains 2 source files, html5-video-audio-example.html, html5-video-audio-example.js.
- html5-video-audio-example.html.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="ISO-8859-1"> <title>How To Play Video Audio In Html5 Example</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="html5-video-audio-example.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </head> <body onload="initialize()"> <h3>How To Play Video Audio In Html5 Example.</h3> <div style="display:block;margin-top: 10px;"> <label>Input Video File URL:</label> <input type="text" id="videoFileURL"/> <input type="button" id="playVideoBtn" value="Play Video" onclick="playVideo(this)" /> <input type="button" id="pauseVideoBtn" value="Pause Video" onclick="pauseVideo(this)" /> <input type="button" id="stopVideoBtn" value="Stop Video" onclick="stopVideo(this)" /> </div> <output id="output1" style="display:block;margin-top: 10px;"></output> <video id="video1" style="display:block;margin-top: 10px;" controls></video> <div style="display:block;margin-top: 10px;"> <label>Input Audio File URL:</label> <input type="text" id="audioFileURL"/> <input type="button" id="playAudioBtn" value="Play Audio" onclick="playAudio(this)" /> <input type="button" id="pauseAudioBtn" value="Pause Audio" onclick="pauseAudio(this)" /> <input type="button" id="stopAudioBtn" value="Stop Audio" onclick="stopAudio(this)" /> </div> <output id="output2" style="display:block;margin-top: 10px;"></output> <audio id="audio1" style="display:block;margin-top: 10px;" controls></audio> </body> </html>
- html5-video-audio-example.js.
var videoElementId = 'video1'; var videoFileURLId = 'videoFileURL'; var playVideoBtnId = 'playVideoBtn'; var pauseVideoBtnId = 'pauseVideoBtn'; var stopVideoBtnId = 'stopVideoBtn'; var audioElementId = 'audio1'; var audioFileURLId = 'audioFileURL'; var playAudioBtnId = 'playAudioBtn'; var pauseAudioBtnId = 'pauseAudioBtn'; var stopAudioBtnId = 'stopAudioBtn'; var outputElementId = 'output1'; function initialize(){ initialize_video(); initialize_audio(); } function initialize_video(){ videoElement = document.getElementById(videoElementId); = 'none'; outputElement = document.getElementById(outputElementId); playVideoBtnElement = document.getElementById(playVideoBtnId); playVideoBtnElement.disabled = false; pauseVideoBtnElement = document.getElementById(pauseVideoBtnId); pauseVideoBtnElement.disabled = true; stopVideoBtnElement = document.getElementById(stopVideoBtnId); stopVideoBtnElement.disabled = true; // Add video play complete event listener. videoElement.addEventListener("ended", function(){ message = "Play video finish."; alert(message); outputElement.value = message; }); // Add video error event listener. videoElement.addEventListener("error", function(){ var errorMessage = ""; switch(video.error.code){ case MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED: errorMessage = 'Download video is aborted.'; break; case MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_DECODE: errorMessage = 'Decode downloaded video error.'; break; case MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK: errorMessage = 'Download video network error.'; break; case MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED: errorMessage = 'Downloaded video format is not supported.'; break; } if(errorMessage != ''){ alert(errorMessage); } outputElement.value = message; }); // Add time update event listener. videoElement.addEventListener("timeupdate", function(){ var videoPlayStatus = "Playing "; var videoPlayTime = videoElement.currentTime; var videoDuration = videoElement.duration; videoPlayStatus += Math.floor(videoPlayTime) + ' seconds / Total ' + Math.floor(videoDuration) +' seconds' outputElement.value = videoPlayStatus; }); } function initialize_audio(){ audioElement = document.getElementById(audioElementId); = 'none'; outputElement = document.getElementById(outputElementId); audioElement.addEventListener("ended", function(){ message = "Play audio finish."; alert(message); outputElement.value = message; }); // Add time update event listener. audioElement.addEventListener("timeupdate", function(){ var audioPlayStatus = "Playing "; var audioPlayTime = audioElement.currentTime; var audioDuration = audioElement.duration; audioPlayStatus += Math.floor(audioPlayTime) + ' seconds / Total ' + Math.floor(audioDuration) +' seconds' outputElement.value = audioPlayStatus; }); playAudioBtnElement = document.getElementById(playAudioBtnId); playAudioBtnElement.disabled = false; pauseAudioBtnElement = document.getElementById(pauseAudioBtnId); pauseAudioBtnElement.disabled = true; stopAudioBtnElement = document.getElementById(stopAudioBtnId); stopAudioBtnElement.disabled = true; } function playVideo(src){ // videoFileURLInput = document.getElementById(videoFileURLId); videoFileURLStr = videoFileURLInput.value; if('' == videoFileURLStr){ alert('Please input video file URL first.'); }else{ videoElement = document.getElementById(videoElementId); = 'block'; videoElement.src = videoFileURLStr;; outputElement = document.getElementById(outputElementId); = 'block'; src.disabled = true; pauseVideoBtnElement = document.getElementById(pauseVideoBtnId); pauseVideoBtnElement.disabled = false; stopVideoBtnElement = document.getElementById(stopVideoBtnId); stopVideoBtnElement.disabled = false; } } function pauseVideo(src){ videoElement = document.getElementById(videoElementId); btnText = src.value.toLowerCase(); if(btnText == 'pause video'){ videoElement.pause(); src.value = 'Continue Video'; }else if(btnText == 'continue video'){; src.value = 'Pause Video'; } } function stopVideo(src){ outputElement = document.getElementById(outputElementId); = 'none'; videoElement = document.getElementById(videoElementId); videoElement.load(); = 'none'; src.disabled = true; pauseVideoBtnElement = document.getElementById(pauseVideoBtnId); pauseVideoBtnElement.disabled = true; pauseVideoBtnElement.value = 'Pause Video'; playVideoBtnElement = document.getElementById(playVideoBtnId); playVideoBtnElement.disabled = false; } function playAudio(src){ // audioFileURLInput = document.getElementById(audioFileURLId); audioFileURLStr = audioFileURLInput.value; if('' == audioFileURLStr){ alert('Please input audio file URL first.'); }else{ audioElement = document.getElementById(audioElementId); = 'block'; audioElement.src = audioFileURLStr;; outputElement = document.getElementById(outputElementId); = 'block'; src.disabled = true; pauseAudioBtnElement = document.getElementById(pauseAudioBtnId); pauseAudioBtnElement.disabled = false; stopAudioBtnElement = document.getElementById(stopAudioBtnId); stopAudioBtnElement.disabled = false; } } function pauseAudio(src){ audioElement = document.getElementById(audioElementId); btnText = src.value.toLowerCase(); if(btnText == 'pause audio'){ audioElement.pause(); src.value = 'Continue Audio'; }else if(btnText == 'continue audio'){; src.value = 'Pause Audio'; } } function stopAudio(src){ outputElement = document.getElementById(outputElementId); = 'none'; audioElement = document.getElementById(audioElementId); audioElement.load(); = 'none'; src.disabled = true; pauseAudioBtnElement = document.getElementById(pauseAudioBtnId); pauseAudioBtnElement.disabled = true; pauseAudioBtnElement.value = 'Pause Audio'; playAudioBtnElement = document.getElementById(playAudioBtnId); playAudioBtnElement.disabled = false; }
3. Example Demo Video.
- Below is this example demo video.