How To Install Google Play Store On Android Device & Simulator

I have an old android phone, but it did not install Google Play Store on it by default. So I need to install it manually. I want to install it from google, but it cannot. I struggled for some time and finally found the method to install it on the android device. This article will tell you how to install the Google Play Store on both android hardware devices and simulators.

1. How To Install Google Play Store On Android Device Steps.

  1. Google play store is also an android app, it is also a .apk file that can be installed on your android device.
  2. So what you need to do is to download the .apk file and install it on your android device.
  3. Open a web browser and browse the URL
  4. Search the keyword google play store apk in the google search text box and search.
  5. Find a link in the search result, for example,
  6. Click the link will direct you to the external android app store.
  7. Then you can download the google play store apk file from there.
  8. After download, click it to install it on your android device.
  9. Now you can use your google account to log in to the google play store and install the apps you need.

2. Questions & Answers.

2.1 How Can I Download & Install Google Play Services In Android Studio Emulator Successfully?

2.1.1 Question1.
  1. I write an android app that needs to invoke the Google Play Services API in the source code.
  2. But when I run my app in the android studio android emulator to test it, it shows the Google Play Services must be downloaded error message.
  3. And I found that Google Play Services is not installed on the android emulator.
  4. How can I install it on the android emulator? Thanks a lot.
2.1.2 Answer1.
  1. If your android app needs to invoke the Google Play Services APIs, your android project should use Google Play Services SDK to set up.
  2. First, you need to make sure the Google Play Services SDK has been installed on your android studio. If not, you can read the article How To Resolve Android Studio SDK Platform-Tools Version Is Too Old Error, Update the IDE and SDK Tools.
  3. Now you can use the android emulator that has android version 4.2.2 or higher to test your android app.
2.1.3 Answer2.
  1. Another solution is to use an existing AVD image that has the Google Play Services built into it by default.
  2. Then you can invoke the Google Play Services APIs in the AVD image directly.
  3. You can update the image directly and do not need to rebuild it, even when you meet errors you can use the original AVD image from the beginning just like the virtual machine snapshots.
  4. Below are the steps.
  5. Open the AVD manager in the android studio, and choose the create new device menu to open the Virtual Device Configuration window.
  6. Select the device category from the left Category list, then choose the device definition that has the Play Store icon in the Play Store column on the right side.
  7. Click the Next button will open the System Image window. You should select a system image for it, the image should contain Google Play but not the Google API.
  8. Click the Next button, it will return to the virtual devices list dialog, now you can launch the new device you just created.
  9. When the android emulator startup, you can click the 3 dots icon —> Google Play—>UPDATE to update the Google Play Services.
  10. Now you can test your android app that uses the Google Play Services APIs in this android simulator.

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