Hello, today I will show you how to create a java project with MyEclipse. It is the same in eclipse, but I use MyEclipse so I just show you how to create it with MyEclipse. Before using MyEclipse to start writing java code, you should download and install JDK and MyEclipse first. I use jdk1.7 in my example, so I prefer you to use jdk1.7 also.
1. How To Install MyEclipse.
Go to the MyEclipse official website to download the MyEclipse installer. Double click the installer to install MyEclipse, the installation process is very straightforward.
When the MyEclipse is installed successfully, it will prompt a launch window to let you Add a local project or Clone a Git repository. Click the Add a local project link at the bottom left corner of the launch window, it will prompt a wizard dialog to let you choose the project and workspace saved folder.
Please note the project and workspace saved folder should be an existing folder. Click the Finish button to complete the MyEclipse launch wizard creation, and it will open the MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench window.
Click Window —> Preferences menu item in the top toolbar. Click Java —> Installed JREs in the left panel of the popup window. Check whether the jdk1.7 is added or not in the right panel. If not, click the Add button to add jdk1.7(should be JDK, not JRE).
2. How To Create Java Project With MyEclipse.
Open the MyEclipse enterprise workbench. After you open it, click File —> New —> Java Project menu item. In the Create a Java Project wizard window, input the project name and select the location where you store the java source files, you can use the default source files saved location directory also.
Click the Next button, you can see the default source file folder ( project-name/src ) and the default output folder ( project-name/bin ). Click the Finish button, it will prompt the New module-info.java dialog window, you can edit the module name in the input text box. After the change, click the Create button to create the module-info.java file.
Now the MyEclipse java project has been created successfully, you can see the java project files structure in the MyEclipse left side Package Explorer or Project Explorer panel.
If you can not see the Package Explorer or Project Explorer panel, you can click the Window —> Show View —> Package Explorer / Project Explorer menu item to show them.
If you want to create a java class, you can right-click the project-name/src folder in the project Package Explorer, then click the New —> Class menu item to create a new java class.
3. Video Demo For This Article.
You can watch this example demo video below.