How To Convert String, Numbers, Tuples To Dictionary In Python With Example

In this article, I will tell you how to use the ast.literal_eval() method convert strings to dictionary in python. I will also tell you how to use the dict() function to convert numbers, tuples to dictionary in python with examples.

1. How To Use ast.literal_eval() To Convert String To Dictionary In Python.

  1. To convert a Python string to a dictionary, you need to use the ast.literal_eval() method.
  2. This method will evaluate a string containing a Python literal or container and return a Python object.

1.1 The Python ast.literal_eval() Method Description.

  1. The ast.literal_eval() method is a built-in Python function that evaluates a string containing a literal expression and returns the resulting value.
  2. It is used to safely evaluate strings containing Python expressions from untrusted sources without the need for manual string escaping.
  3. It is similar to the eval() function, but it only evaluates Python literals such as strings, numbers, tuples, lists, dicts, booleans, and None.

1.2 How To Use ast.literal_eval() To Convert String To Dictionary Example.

  1. Here is an example of how to use ast.literal_eval() to convert a string to a dictionary.
    import ast
    # a Python string containing a dictionary
    string = "{'a': 1, 'b': 2}"
    # convert the string to a dictionary
    dictionary = ast.literal_eval(string)
    # print the dictionary
  2. The output of this code will be {'a': 1, 'b': 2}.

2. How To Use The dict() Function To Convert Numbers, Tuples To Dictionary In Python.

  1. Converting a Python number to a dictionary is relatively simple and can be done using the dict() function.

2.1 The Python dict() Method Description.

  1. The dict() method is a built-in Python function that creates a dictionary from a given sequence of elements.
  2. It takes a sequence of key-value pairs and returns a dictionary with the same key-value pairs.
  3. The keys must be hashable objects, such as strings, numbers, or tuples, and the values can be any Python object.
  4. The dict() method is often used to create a dictionary from a list of tuples.

2.2 How To Use dict() To Convert Number, Tuples To Dictionary Example.

2.2.1 Convert Number To Dictionary Object.

  1. To illustrate, consider the following example code, it will convert a number to a dictionary object in python using the dict() method.
    # A sample Python number
    my_number = 4
    # Converting the number to a dictionary
    my_dict = dict(number = my_number)
    # Print the dictionary
  2. The output of this code will be.
    {'number': 4}

2.2.2 Convert Tuples To Dictionary Object.

  1. You can also use the dict() function to convert a list of tuples to a dictionary.
  2. For example, the following code will create a dictionary from a list of tuples.
    # A sample list of tuples
    my_lst = [("name", "John"), ("age", 20)]
    # Converting the list to a dictionary
    my_dict = dict(my_lst)
    # Print the dictionary
  3. The output will be.
    {'name': 'John', 'age': 20}

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