Android Material Design

Android Material Design

  1. Android AppBarLayout And Toolbar Example
    This example tell you how to use AppBarLayout to make Toolbar show and hide automatically when RecyclerView scroll.
  2. Android CardView With Image And Text Example
    Show you how to use to wrap image and text. Set card corner radius and shadow.
  3. Android Collapsing Toolbar With Image And RecyclerView Example
    Example about how to use CollapsingToolbarLayout to make Toolbar collapsable with image and RecyclerView.
  4. Android Hide Floating Action Button While RecyclerView Scroll Example
    An example about how to hide and show android folating action button when scroll recyclerview.
  5. Android Implement Sliding Menu Use Navigation View Example
    Tell you how to use NavigationView as the menu list content for DrawerLayout.
  6. Android Material Design Toolbar Example
    Introduce how to use android material design Toolbar widget to replace activity acion bar and add menu items.
  7. Android Sliding Menu Using Drawer Layout Example
    Example about how to use DrawerLayout to implement a sliding menu list.
  8. Android Swipe Refresh Layout Example
    Example about how to use android SwipeRefreshLayout to make scrollable view (ListView, RecyclerView etc ) display refresh indicator while refresh data.
  9. How To Avoid Snackbar Overlap Floating Action Button In Android
    Use CoordinatorLayout to listen snackbar popup action and move floating action button accordingly.
  10. How To Change Android SwipeRefreshLayout Refresh Behavior To Pulling From Left
    Example about how to create a subclass of SwipeRefreshLayout to change the refresh behavior from pull down to pull left or right.