Check Broken Links With Selenium WebDriver

A broken link is a url link that is unreachable because of a server error. When you browse a url link, the server returns a three-bit numeric status code to represent the status of the link. Click here to see a detailed server returned status code introduction. If the return code is 4XX or 5XX that means there is an error for the link. So we can know whether the url link is a broken link or not by checking the server returned status code.

1. Steps To Check Broken Link In Web Page.

  1. Please see the java code comments for a detailed explanation.
  2. Use selenium webdriver to parse out all same domain url links in the current web page. Include a tag ( parse href attribute value) and img tag ( parse the src attribute value ) source url link.
    	 * Return all valid url links that belong to the same domain in current web page.
    	 * String webPageUrl: The web page that need to parse out links.
    	 * */
    	private List<String> parseOutAllUrlLinksInWebPage(String webPageUrl)
    		List<String> retList = new ArrayList<String>();
    		if(webPageUrl!=null && !"".equals(webPageUrl.trim()))
    			/* Get current page belongs domain. */
    			String urlDomain = this.getPageBelongDomain(webPageUrl);
    			WebDriver ffDriver = new FirefoxDriver();
    			/* Maximize the Firefox browser window. */
    			/* Get the web page.*/ 
    			/* First parse out all a tag href urls. */
    			By byUrlLink = By.tagName("a");
    			List<WebElement> aLinkList = ffDriver.findElements(byUrlLink);
    				int aLinkSize = aLinkList.size();
    				for(int i=0;i<aLinkSize;i++)
    					WebElement aLink = aLinkList.get(i);
    					String href = aLink.getAttribute("href");
    					if(href!=null && !"".equals(href.trim()))
    						/* Only return same domain page url. */
    						if(href.toLowerCase().startsWith("http://"+urlDomain) || href.toLowerCase().startsWith("https://"+urlDomain))
    			/* Second parse out all img tag src urls. */
    			By byImg = By.tagName("img");
    			List<WebElement> imgList = ffDriver.findElements(byImg);
    				int imgSize = imgList.size();
    				for(int i=0;i<imgSize;i++)
    					WebElement imgElement = imgList.get(i);
    					String src = imgElement.getAttribute("src");
    					if(src!=null && !"".equals(src.trim()))
    						/* Only return same domain page url. */
    						if(src.toLowerCase().startsWith("http://"+urlDomain) || src.toLowerCase().startsWith("https://"+urlDomain))
    		System.out.println("Parse out url completed successfully.");
    		return retList;
    	/* Return domain value in the pageUrl*/
    	private String getPageBelongDomain(String pageUrl)
    		String ret = "";
    		if(pageUrl!=null && !"".equals(pageUrl.trim()))
    			pageUrl = pageUrl.toLowerCase();
    			int startIdx = 0;
    				startIdx = "http://".length();
    			}else if(pageUrl.startsWith("https://"))
    				startIdx = "https://".length();
    			int endIdx = pageUrl.indexOf("/", startIdx);
    			ret = pageUrl.substring(startIdx, endIdx);
    		System.out.println("The webpage: " + pageUrl + " , belonged domain : " + ret);
    		return ret;
  3. Use HttpConnection to get each parsed out url page’s HTTP response status code. If the code is 4XX or 5XX then it is a broken link.
    	/* Get http response status code for a web page connection. */
    	private int getHttpResponseStatusCode(String webPageUrl)
    		int ret = -1;
    			if(webPageUrl!=null && !"".equals(webPageUrl.trim()))
    				URL urlObj = new URL(webPageUrl.trim());
    				HttpURLConnection httpConn = (HttpURLConnection)urlObj.openConnection();
    				ret = httpConn.getResponseCode();
    		}catch(Exception ex)
    			System.out.println("Http Status Code : " + ret +  " , Url : " + webPageUrl);
    			return ret;
  4. Java code in the main method.
    	public static void main(String args[])
    		TestBrokenLinksInWebPage testBrokenLink = new TestBrokenLinksInWebPage();
    		/* Parse out all same domain page links.*/
    		List<String> pageLinkList = testBrokenLink.parseOutAllUrlLinksInWebPage("");
    		/* Loop in the list to check each link http response status code. */
    		int size = pageLinkList.size();
    		for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
    			String webPageUrl = pageLinkList.get(i);
    			int httpStatusCode = testBrokenLink.getHttpResponseStatusCode(webPageUrl);
  5. Below is the above example execution output.
    The pageUrl : , belonged domain :
    Parse out url completed successfully.
    Http Status Code : 200 , Url :
    Http Status Code : 200 , Url :
    Http Status Code : 200 , Url :
    Http Status Code : 200 , Url :
    Http Status Code : 200 , Url :
    Http Status Code : 200 , Url :

2 thoughts on “Check Broken Links With Selenium WebDriver”

    1. http status code 403 means the resource is forbidden, so the link is not a broken link, but it is not allowed to be browsed. So you can customize what means broken link to you in your java code. You can filter out the status code which do not means broken link to your requirement.

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